Saturday, 25 April 2009

German>English freelance legal translator

Dear Outsource Translation,

I would like to express an interest in working for you as a German>English freelance legal translator. I was an honor student in college and have a Bachelor's Degree and a Master's Degree in German. I also spent a year in college as an exchange student in Giessen, Germany. I am also a member of Aquarius and Proz. All I need is an opportunity to show my skills.

I specialize in the translation of legal contracts and general business documents because I have a keen interest in these areas. I am also willing to do general texts as well. I enclose an extensive translation sample which should bear evidence to my abilities. I also enclose a résumé. As some people are reluctant to open attachments from people they don't know, I have pasted them in at the bottom of this letter. Please also feel free to pass my name along to anyone whom you think to be in need of my services.

My rates are 0.60 euro per 55-character line (or the equivalent) in the source language. I also accept payments via Paypal if you prefer to pay in this manner. There are no additional charges for minimum orders or rush jobs. There is also a 10% discount offered if payment is made within 7 days of receipt of the invoice.

My e-mail is I will look forward to hearing from you.


Ron Stelter

Ronald L. Stelter

1020 Houston, #6

Manhattan, KS 66502

785-539-7617 (phone)





English (American)


To use my foreign language skills in the legal and business translation fields


Legal/business translations for Quick Translations, Alta Translations, Derx Translations, among others from 01/01 to present

Legal/financial proofreading for Delta Wordsmiths, Postemps, Gregory & Gregory Legal Staffing, Update from 11/96 to 12/01

Legal: Chadbourne & Parke; Fried Frank Harris Shriver & Jacobsen; Mayer Brown & Platt; Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy; Sullivan & Cromwell (long-term temp, 2/98-9/98); Fulbright & Jaworski; etc.

Financial: Merrill Lynch; Smith Barney; Goldman Sachs; Bear Stearns; etc.


Teacher of English as a Second Language, Berlitz, 3/93-5/96


Bachelor of Arts Degree, German, Kansas State University, 1990 (4.0 GPA in major, 3.814 cumulative GPA) (4.0 represents the best possible grades in the American educational system-all A's)

Master of Arts Degree, German, Kansas State University, 1992 (4.0 cumulative GPA)


Exchange student in Germany for one year (Justus-Liebig Universität, Giessen)

Graduated cum laude as undergraduate

Member of German academic honorary

Awarded Graduate Teaching Assistantship in German

Member of Phi Kappa Phi and Golden Key academic honoraries


Excellent spelling skills

College courses in French

College courses in Spanish

College courses in Italian


Der Unternehmer betraut den Handelsvertreter mit der Alleinvertretung für den folgenden Bezirk oder Kundenkreis ________________.

Die Vertretung erstreckt sich auf sämtliche Produkte des Unternehmers.

Neue Erzeugnisse können nur einvernehmlich von den Parteien in das Vertragsverhältnis einbezogen werden.

Rabatte oder Nachlässe darf der Handelsvertreter nur mit Zustimmung des Unternehmers gewähren.

Der Handelsvertreter ist an die angemessenen Weisungen des Unternehmers gebunden.

Der Handelsvertreter informiert den Unternehmer regelmäßig über die Marktlage in seinem Gebiet, insbesondere über die Wünsche der Kunden und die Angebote der Mitbewerber.

Der Handelsvertreter ist verpflichtet, an Fachmessen in seinem Handelsgebiet teilzunehmen. Die Kosten für die Einrichtung der Messestände trägt der Unternehmer. Die Anreise- sowie die Unterbringungskosten während der Messen trägt der Handelsvertreter.

Berechnungsgrundlage für alle vom Handelsvertreter vermittelten Geschäfte ist der Euro.


The Contractor shall entrust the Commercial Agent with the sole representation for the following area or clientele ______________.

The representation shall include all products of said Contractor.

New products may only be included in the contractual relationship with the mutual consent of both parties.

Said Commercial Agent may only grant rebates or discounts with the approval of said Contractor.

Said Commercial Agent shall be bound to the reasonable directions of said Contractor.

Said Commercial Agent shall inform said Contractor regularly regarding the market situation in his or her area, particularly regarding customer preferences and the offers of competitors.

Said Commercial Agent is obliged to participate in the trade fairs in his or her respective sales area. Said Contractor shall bear the construction costs for the trade exhibits. Said Commercial Agent shall bear his or her own travel and lodging costs during the trade fairs.

All deals negotiated by said Commercial Agent shall be calculated in euros.

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